Backup MySQL, Web server Files to a FTP Server Automatically

#!/bin/sh # System + MySQL backup script # Full backup day - Sun (rest of the day do incremental backup) # Copyright (c) 2005-2006 nixCraft # This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above # Automatically generated by # ---------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>### System Setup ### DIRS="/etc /home"... [Read More]

Script per FTP upload

` #!/bin/sh USERNAME=”tmp” PASSWORD=”tmp” SERVER=””</p> # local directory to pickup *.tar.gz file LOCALDIR="/var/backups/snapshots" # remote server directory to upload backup BACKUPDIR="/prova" # login to remote server ftp -n -i $SERVER <<EOF user $USERNAME $PASSWORD cd $BACKUPDIR lcd $LOCALDIR mput *.tar.gz quit EOF ` [Read More]

Aggiornare WordPress in 6 mosse

1° Backup del database 2° Backup del sito 3° Disattiva tutti i plugin e attiva il tema di default 4° Cancella tutto tranne i file wp.config e .htaccess e la cartella wp-content con le sue sotto-cartelle 5° Nella cartella languages dentro wp-content cancella tutti i file 6° Carica la nuova... [Read More]